8. Balancing Seaweed Salts

Sea Salt--2 tbsp
Baking Soda--3 tbsp
Powdered Kelp--1 tbsp
Essential Oils--8 drops
Jar--4 oz

Choose 3 or 4 oils from these essential oils: Bergamot, Frankincense,Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Rose, and Rosewood.
Add sea salt, baking soda, powdered kelp and oils to jar. Gently shake tomix, mix well. Add to tub of running water.

7. Balancing Red Earth Salts

Sea Salt--2 tbsp
Baking Soda--3 tbsp
Powdered Red Earth Clay--1 tbsp
Essential Oils--8 drops
Jar--4 oz

Choose 3 or 4 oils from these essential oils: Bergamot, Frankincense,Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Rose, and Rosewood.
Add sea salt, baking soda, powdered red earth clay and oils to jar. Gentlyshake to mix, mix well. Add to tub of running water.

6. Balancing Fizzy Bath Salts

Sea Salt--3 tbsp
Baking Soda--3 tbsp
Citric Acid--1 tbsp
Essential Oils--8 drops
Jar--4 oz

Choose 3 or 4 oils from these essential oils: Bergamot, Frankincense,Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Rose, and Rosewood.
Add sea salt, baking soda, citric acid and oils to jar. Gently shake to mix,mix well. Add to tub of running water.

5. Balancing Epson Salt Bath

Epson Salt--2 tbsp
Sea Salt--1 tbsp
Baking Soda--3 tbsp
Essential Oils--8 drops
Jar--4 oz

Choose 3 or 4 oils from these essential oils: Bergamot, Frankincense,Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Rose, and Rosewood.
Add sea salt, baking soda, epson salts and oils to jar. Gently shake to mix,mix well. Add to tub of running water.

4. Balancing Bath Salts

Sea Salt--3 tbsp
Baking Soda--3 tbsp
Essential Oils--8 drops
Jar--4 oz

Choose 3 or 4 oils from these essential oils: Bergamot, Frankincense,Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Rose, and Rosewood.
Add sea salt, baking soda and oils to jar. Gently shake to mix, mix well.
Add to tub of running water.

3. Aspen Dreams Bath Salts

This scent is very woody, and is suited for soothing your muscles andrelaxing in the tub. It is very masculine in scent, I think. I enjoy thisafter a long day at work, it makes me feel comfortable and content. Womenlove it as well as men do.

The ingredients are:
2 cups of Epsom salts (or a mixture epsom/sea)
2 tablespoons of baking soda
essential oils:
5 drops of rosewood2 drops cedarwood
2 drops Chamomile

a nice jar with a tight fitting lid
To make the salts:
Mix the salts and baking soda in a bowl very well.
Mix oils in a small cup. Take them and pour them evenly over the salt.
Mix the two very well.
Let sit for over an hour before placing in a jar and sealing.
If you are going to color these use yellow and red to make a light brown.

2. Apricot Freesia Tarts

Ingredients For Tart:

1 lb White Glycerin Soap Base
12 Drops Cosmic Color Canary Yellow
11 Drops Cosmic Color Red
1 t. Apricot Freesia FO

Ingredients For "Whipped Cream" Topping:

4 oz White Glycerin Soap Base
¼ t. Apricot Freesia FO
A "Shake" of Super Sparkle Gold Sparkle DustTM

Melt soap base for tart in a double boiler.
Once melted, add color and fragrance.
Pour into a muffin tin and allow to harden.
Remove from tin.Melt soap base for topping and add a shake of Sparkle Dust.
With an electric mixer, mix until thick and bubbly.
Spray tarts with rubbing alcohol and spoon the topping onto the tarts whileallowing some to run over tarts.
Top with a dash of Sparkle Dust if desired.

1. Apple Tart Soap

4oz. Clear, Unscented Glycerine Soap
1 Tablespoon Liquid Soap1 teaspoon Liquid Glycerine
1/2 teaspoon Apple Fragrance Oil
2 Drops Red Food Color
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

Melt soap in small pan over low heat or in a glass cup in the microwave.Add Liquid Soap and glycerine and stir gently but well. Add fragrance, colorand cinnamon. Stir and let stand a couple minutes, just enough to start tothicken so when you stir again the cinnamon will be more evenly distributed.Pour into molds. Allow to set completely (in or out of freezer).

Wrap in plastic wrap or use cellophane candy bags.